Enhancements in store for IDAD’s Isle of Man Funds
IDAD has been running Isle of Man domiciled funds since 2014, offering advisers and their clients the opportunity to invest in portfolios of structured products as well as broader, risk-targeted multi-asset strategies. We are in the process of reducing the charge levels on these funds to enhance returns for investors and changes should take effect over the next month or two. Historically these funds have incorporated performance fees, which we have always rebated for the benefit of investors whenever they have accrued. This anomaly will also be removed, i.e. there will be no option for performance fees to be taken in future.
Details of the funds are on our relevant websites (www.idadfunds.com & www.idad.com ) and they are available for direct investment as well as via a variety of platforms and life companies. The commission/rebate structure gives advisers a lot of flexibility, including the option of enhanced allocations. We have a number of direct investors in the funds, achieving considerable savings by avoiding the additional costs of life company or other wrappers. Perhaps most importantly, the performance of the funds remains strong and should improve further in future as a result of the changes underway.
Clive Moore
Managing Director & Portfolio Manager